Friday, November 14, 2008

My Friday evening in a nutshell.

Tonight is a Friday night, and I am blogging. I have a good reason not to be out and about though! I am babysitting at my neighbors house. She has an adorable 9-month old baby who I enjoy sitting for. I recently fed him a bottle, played with him, and put him to sleep. He's a cutie. My main objective this weekend is to earn money. I spent most of it shopping these past few weeks, and I hate when my kiddy ATM machine is empty! I'm also babysitting tomorrow night and I plan on cleaning my bathrooms and raking my neighbors backyard. Hopefully all my work will pay off!

This evening I am anticipating the newest Degrassi episode which is airing right now. Luckily my neighbors have DVR (digital video recording) so I put the show on pause so I could devote my full attention to writing this. I was really bored earlier today so I decided to curl my hair, make cookies, and watch all my TV episodes that I had recorded from Thursday night. My thursday night TV shows include Ugly Betty, The Office, and 30 Rock. I was very pleased with The Office episode. I would have to say my favorite character is Oscar. I mean, Jim and Pam are the obvious favorites, but Oscar has suddle humor and he's such a cutie. I thought Jennifer Aniston was hilarious on 30 Rock, and Ugly Betty was decent. For dinner I had chili which was delicious. The cornbread that went with the chili, however, was not. We had a defective cooking package and the bread didn't rise. It was like eating cardboard. Later, I'm going to call my friend Gabby, who used to live in Minnesota but moved to Philadelphia a couple years ago. Its been froever since i've talked to her and i'm really looking forward to it! I've gotta fill her in on all recent happenings and I have to hear about whats new in her life.

On another note, Twilight comes out next Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am currently trying to convince my parents to let me go to the midnight showing on Thursday night. I think i've almost get 'em. I really hope the movie is as good as the books. For all you Twilight Fans--Jacob is better than Edward. Sorry. I loved Edward until he betrayed Bella, which was not okay with me. Alright i'm out. Peace.

PS Check out the song "Vegas" by Sara Bareilles, its on my music player.


Kelsey said...

You know what Ellen? Jacob is NOTHINGGGGGGGGGG compared to Edward so maybe you should finish reading the books before you pick!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY REALLY need someone to vent to about how the series turned out because IT DID NOT FLOAT MY BOAT. Ha and also we need to make t-shirts! ha and I think I might go find Midnight Sun online and read THE BETTER ONE'S view of everything.

Emma Holmes said...

Oh, the fabulous life of the amazing Ellen Breen!! Haha I especially loved how you spelled "subtle"... Just kidding. You know I would be the one to correct your grammar. Including not ending a sentence with a preposition...ahem paragraph 1, sentence 4. Hahahaha. Okay I'll stop now.

P.S. You would put "Lucky" on your blog!!

Eliot Hart-Nelson said...

I wish I were you!!!! Just kidding. You must babysit a lot. Well, here's my obligatory comment. Read my blog now.

Maggie Scimeca said...

Ellen!! Jacob over Edward!! I must agree with Kelsey here. Edward is much better and maybe you shouldn't make a decision without finishing the books first. Edward had good reason to leave Bella, it was for her protection! And you can tell Kelsey I have finished all the books and would love to have a discussion with her about the ending. Anyway I wish I could see the movie at midnight, especially since I won't be able to see it that weekend, but I don't believe my parents will let me...

Mac G said...

God Ellen way to spoil twilight for me. Lol the part about your kiddy ATM just reinforced my belief in how cool you are.

Jake W said...

Good god you're a nerd

Ruthie said...
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Ruthie said...

You are my hero...
Love you