Monday, November 17, 2008

Creon Angered by Bold Antigone

Creon is the new king of Thebes and would like Polyneices' older brother, Etocles to be honored. Creon, however, does not want the dead Polyneices to have a proper burial, let alone be buried at all. He thinks that Polyneices should be left to die above ground, and eaten by carrion animals. A bold and daring Antigone defies the King buries her passed brother Polyneices. Her sister, Ismene is not quite as courageous as Antigone. She wants her brother to be buried properly as well, but is scared of being executed by King Creon. Creon then punishes Antigone by banishing her to an abandoned cave where she will starve to death. The real question is, did our new king do the right thing? Is he fit to rule Thebes? Send in responses to the address located at the bottom of the newspaper.

1 comment:

Jake W said...

Much more appropriate. Don't zone out in class ignore me, I know it's hard